Little is known concerning the early Postal Affairs of St. Christopher & Nevis but it is recorded that the British General Post Office was to establish a branch office on the Island of Nevis under an Act of Parliament passed in 1710, although arrangements may not have been finalized for a number of years afterwards. Nevis appears as a “New Office” in the Post Office Account of 1787. The first recorded postal markings for St Christopher dates from 1746, although it is probable that a branch of British General Post Office operated on the island before that date. Control of Postal Services was passed to local authorities around 1858.
When St. Kitts and Nevis gained Independence from Gt. Britain in 1983, the country was admitted to the United Nations and thus automatically became eligible for full membership of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). On 1st January 1988, St. Christopher (ST. KITTS) and Nevis joined the UPU and assumed responsibility for its International Postal Affairs – previously the responsibility of Gt. Britain.
Today the Post Office functions as a Government Department under the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Post and Urban Development. The postal network in St Christopher and Nevis comprises of eight (8) postal outlets, 6 in St. Kitts and 2 n Nevis. With a workforce of 74 employees in St. Kitts, 61 official staff and 13 STEP interns.

Hon. Konris G.M Maynard
Minister of Public Infrastructure and Utilities, Transport, Information Communication and Technology and Post

Mrs. Cheryleann Pemberton
Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Information, Communication & Technology & Post

Mr. Dario Gill
Acting Postmaster General of St. Kitts-Nevis Postal Services

Mr. Darrien Veirra
Deputy Postmaster General of St. Kitts-Nevis Postal Services